Fast Index Library

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An easy-to-use and flexible open source C++ template library to build full text indexes.

The Fast Index Library ...
  • ... is easy-to-use
    The library offers consistent and well-designed interfaces. The interfaces and naming conventions of all functions and classes are similar to those of the STL (Standard Template Library). Hence, each developer who is familiar with the STL won't have any problems using the Fast Index Library.
  • ... offers high performance
    The performance and memory efficiency of the library are very important points and have a great impact on design decisions. The library scales well to millions of indexed documents and is able to handle several Gigabytes of text.
  • ... is flexible
    The library is a template library and templates are used extensively. All index classes are parameterized through templates. For instance, templates are used to specify compression algorithms, storage engines or the tokenizer of an index.
  • ... is well tested
    All components are well tested through automatic tests. We have tests to check the correctness of components but also to check the performance of central components because the performance of the library is as important as its correctness. Due to these performance tests it is guaranteed that modifications to an individual component do not have a negative impact on that or other components.

Furthermore, the Fast Index Library offers different types of indexes each designed for different types of applications. For instance, it contains indexes for the following models:

  • Boolean model
  • Vector model
  • Extended Boolean model
  • Probabilistic model
It supports dynamic indexes which allow the insertion of new data to an existing index and static indexes which can't be modified once they have been created but which are more compact and more time and space efficient than static indexes.

Copyright © 2008 libfidx-Team